Who Predicted the
Economic Crisis
Following the News of Economic
Who Predicted the Economic Crisis
What did they predict? and what are they predicting
Economic Oracle who predicted the economic crisis
The financial rescue plan or the economic stimulus
package in its current version will cost taxpayers more
than a trillion dollar over the next 2 years, and there
is no guarantee that it will achieve its stated goals.
The plan will more likely soften the fall but it will
not correct the economy, it will only delay the
correction, and therefore, the recovery too. The most
cost effective and quickest method to stimulate the U.S.
economy is to support job creation through investing in
the creation of U.S. small businesses and innovation
development. U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that 98
percent of all U.S. firms have less than 100 employees.
These 27 million small businesses create over 85 percent
of all new jobs and employ over 56 percent of all
private sector workers. The main focus of development
programs should be innovation development, export and
employment support through enterprise creation
Med Yones Media Coverage - The Economic Oracle Who
Predicted The Economic Crisis
Economic Oracle Warns of a Another Global Economic
Crisis In Jan 2007 our forecasting model predicted
the financial crisis with great accuracy, while top
financial firms and U.S. officials were blind sighted by
it. In late 2008, when gloom and doom were the general
consensus, our forecasting model revealed the economic
decline will bottom in 2009 and we will see a modest
recovery in 2010, again we were right. Unfortunately,
this time our data shows that the current recovery is
not driven by a healthy economic growth. Instead it is
based on an increased debt, ineffective stimulus package
and bailouts, accounting manipulations, and false
investors’ confidence rather than real production
growth. The 12 Trillion dollar question that no one is
asking is: Who Will Bail Out the Bailout? Who will bail
out the almost 700% Debt-to-GDP ratio, that is the real
figure if you take into consideration the uncalculated
government liabilities of about 60 trillion dollar from
the underfunded social security, Medicare, military and
government pension obligations. This time we are warning
the government that the continuation of the debt-driven
bailout and stimulus policies could bankrupt the US as
early as 2015." In the next few years, American tax
payers and national and global investors will have to
pay the price either by raising their taxes, defaulting
on national debt, declining US dollar value and/or a
hyperinflation tax. European, Latin and Asian economies
that follow similar US policies and do not decouple from
the dollar will suffer the same fate Economic Guru Sees
Recovery in 2010
Economic guru sees recovery in 2010
Economic Prophet News
Economic oracle sees the bottom of real estate decline
in 2009 Economic
Experts News Economic expert forecast recovery of
residential real estate decline in 2011